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Quick and Easy Karappoosa Recipe | Spicy Spicy

Use the following ingredients to prepare or make Karappoosa recipe at home.


Gram Flour – 200gms
Salt to Taste
Red Chili Powder – 1 1/2tsps
Carom Seeds – 1/2tsp
Asafoetida – 2, 3 Pinches
Oil – 1tbsp
Oil for Deep Frying
Water – 80gms or as required

Karappoosa Recipe Making Procedure

 Take a bowl and add sieved gram flour. Add red chili powder, salt, carom seeds, asafoetida and oil. Mix well and make dough by adding water. The dough should be sticky. Keep the dough aside.

For making karapoosa there are many moulds available in the market. The moulds have different plates to press different shapes of dough. Select a plate with medium sized holes as shown in the movie clip. Place the slotted plate in the cylindrical container. Apply oil to the slotted plate and the inner surface of the cylindrical container. Oil your fingers and take a portion of the dough. Smoothen the dough and insert it in the cylindrical container and press it lightly. Now close the lid and keep it ready. Heat a pan and add oil to it. Drop a small portion of the dough in the oil to test the hotness. When the dropped portion pops up right away the oil is sufficiently hot to fry the Karappoosa. Turn the handle of the mould and see the dough coming out of the slotted plate. Now hold the mould with left hand directly above the oil pan and turn the handle. Observe, long threads of dough falling directly into the hot oil. Simultaneously turn your left hand in circular motions to makes spirals of the long threads of the dough coming out of the mould. Prut only sufficient quantity of the dough into the oil. Wait for few seconds and slowly turn the Krappoosa with a slotted ladle and fry. Gently turn the Krappoosa with a slotted ladle and fry till it is golden in color. Spread a paper napkin on a flat plate. Drain the fried karappoosa and take it on to the paper napkin to remove excess oil. Now open the lid of the mould and fill it with the remaining dough and repeat the process again. Cool the fried karappoosa completly before storing. Store the karappoosa in a dry bottle or box.

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